Thursday, April 30, 2015

Custom Wall Hanging

I did some custom quilting on this 36" x 36" wall hanging and it turned out fabulous!  It has a double border of feathers, pebbling and swirls, echoing the stars, and ruler work inside the stars.  Now to find a place around the house to hang it...

And then my assistant showed up...


  1. You did a great job,- & I think your assistant is saying that it belongs to him/her.
    I believe I met you at Birds of a Feather this year. We were a group of 4 at the lunch or supper table & you joined us. I had an Australian accent, 2 others were southerners & 1 northerner.
    Is your assistant a labradoodle? Mine is a standard poodle.

    1. Small world, Dawn! Thanks for the compliment. Close! He's actually a goldendoodle, his mom was a standard poodle. He likes to jump right on the middle of my quilts, silly dog.
