Friday, May 15, 2015

Quilts of Valor - #11

Next up is an all over pantograph called Marmalade.  I got better on quilting this pattern on this quilt from the one in the previous post.  I'm loving it!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Quilts Beyond Borders - #1

I found a new charity organization that I have chosen to be a part of.  They make quilts for orphans in impoverished countries, and they've given to children all over the world!  I love when I can give back and this seemed like a great opportunity. Anyways, here are some pictures from the first one that I did!  I used a pantograph called Marmalade.  I normally don't use pantographs since I find them pretty challenging but this one turned out pretty well...

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Quilts of Valor - #10

For this next Quilts of Valor quilt, I used an all-over wave motif that I saw in one of Angela Walters' books.  I love how it turned out!!